Monday, September 29, 2014

100% Hassle-FREE gift for busy bees out there!

We Filipinos perhaps have the longest Christmas season. You can start hearing Christmas jingles as early as September! But what really matters? Of course it’s not how long you enjoy the Christmas season but how make the most out of it!
Christmas rush! Yes probably you already experienced it too. Unlike other countries, we have a more joyous but badly put “most stressful” Christmas gifting. Why?
FACT: We Filipinos do not only give gifts for our family. We see to it that most of the people within our life circle feel special during Christmas. We want them to make them happy. During Christmas, we give gifts for our grandparents, siblings, cousins, inaanaks officemates or even neighbours! This makes it hard for us to think, find, shop and stock gifts which are for different ages, preferences, etc. After all these, ADD! The Christmas traffic! You will be squeezed with tons of shoppers in all of the malls plus the ever tremendous traffic jams all over the Philippines is doubled during Christmas.
Full of hassles right? Want to know the best solution for this? Make the most out of your Christmas with SM GiftPass! The official gift certificate of SM fit for all ages. Let them enjoy at the country’s number 1 mall this Christmas. As I’ve experienced this practical gift, I do not have to worry about all the Christmas hassles. Have a hassle-free Christmas too! SM Gift Pass is available at the SM Customer Service and SM Redemption booths in all SM Branches nationwide.

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